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Mechanical Engineering

On behalf of the management, principal, faculty, and students of our esteemed institution, I welcome you to the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical engineering is a professional program that helps students understand the working mechanisms of heavy tools and machines. The role of a mechanical engineer is to develop a product from a provoking idea to the competitive market. The inbuilt qualities of Mechanical Engineers are creativity for new innovations, listening skills, math skills, mechanical skills, and problem-solving skills.

Following our institution’s mantra,  “EARN WHILE LEARN & LEARN WHILE EARN,” we offer great opportunities for internships and very good placements for the students. The internship in leading companies leads students to build their self-confidence and also gives them an income, which serves as moral support. The students are taught to follow the secret “Individuality” from the beginning of the course, followed by consistent monitoring and support by our faculty until they finish the course as mechanical engineers. On this note, I wish to quote, “I am a mechanical Techie. I can build things with my hands”.  Join us, learn things and create your own world.


Mechanical engineering departments educate students about designing and manufacturing mechanical systems. They conduct research in areas like robotics and renewable energy. Their faculty are experts in their fields, and they offer well-equipped facilities for hands-on learning. Collaborations with industry provide students with real-world experience. These departments also offer professional development opportunities for students, fostering their career growth.


Dr. G. Anand, B.Tech.,  M.Tech., Ph.D.
Head of the Department,
 Department of Mechanical Engineering


  • Educating students in mechanical engineering principles.
  • Conducting innovative research in various fields.
  • Collaborating with industry for practical experience.
  • Facilitating professional development opportunities.
  • Contributing to societal advancement through technological innovation.


To be locally and nationally acknowledged as a department of excellence, delivering high quality mechanical engineering education results in qualified engineers shouldering the duty to contribute successfully to the progress of industry and society.


  1. Technical Excellence: To be a center of excellence for mechanical engineering education by offering state-of-the-art facilities and a learning environment. To form engineers with good fundamentals to adjust to the latest technology.
  2. Industry Relationship: To develop industry-institute contact via consultation services and continuing education programs, deliver specific programs as per the requirements, and become an active partner for the industries in their R&D activities.
  3. Competency: imparting excellent education to the students and upgrading their abilities to make them competitive mechanical engineers and encouraging students to actively participate in business growth.
  4. Social and ethical competency values: To provide the students with the academic atmosphere of quality, leadership, ethical norms, and lifelong learning required for a long and fruitful career.


“Innovate, Create, Engineer Tomorrow.”


  1. Provide students with hands-on experience through laboratory work and projects.
  2. Foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students.
  3. Facilitate internships and industry partnerships to enhance practical learning.
  4. Ensure students are equipped with up-to-date knowledge and skills relevant to current industry needs.


  1. Advance the field of mechanical engineering through innovative research and development.
  2. Produce graduates who are capable of addressing global engineering challenges.
  3. Establish strong connections with industries to facilitate technology transfer and collaboration.
  4. Contribute to the sustainable development of society through the application of engineering solutions.


Students of Mechanical engineering programme should at the time of their graduation be in possession of

  1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems
  2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
  4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
  6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
  7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
  9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
  11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments
  12. Lifelong learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

PEO 1: Integration of Engineering Skills in Diverse Professions

Graduates will use their technical knowledge, critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities with integrity and inclusion in professional engineering practice. Beyond typical engineering professions, they will effectively utilize these talents in non-technical disciplines, such as law, medicine, or business, contributing to beneficial social impact in numerous sectors and domains.

PEO 2: Lifelong Learning and Holistic Development

Graduates will begin on a path of ongoing intellectual improvement within three to five years following graduation. They will actively engage in graduate education, take professional development courses, and participate in self-directed inquiry and on-the-job training. This dedication to continual learning assures their capacity to adapt to developing technology and emerging issues in the dynamic area of Mechanical Engineering.

PEO 3: Holistic Leadership and Collaboration

Graduates will exemplify leadership skills and successfully cooperate in their jobs, embracing both leadership and collaborative responsibilities. They will exhibit not just technical competency in Mechanical Engineering but also actively contribute to organizational and social growth. Through adherence to professional and ethical norms, they will lead diverse teams, recognizing cultural sensitivity, to accomplish professional and organizational objectives.

PSO 1: Integration of Thermal Sciences in Engineering Systems

Graduates will exhibit the capacity to utilize knowledge in Thermal Sciences, Design, and Manufacturing processes for the advancement of engineering systems. They will concentrate on enhancing productivity, quality, and cost-effectiveness, displaying skill in modeling, simulation, and analysis in the area of manufacturing.

PSO 2: Sustainable Engineering Solutions

Graduates will possess the capacity to examine and use acquired Mechanical Engineering knowledge for the sustainable progress of society and self. They will actively contribute to the creation and implementation of sustainable engineering solutions, considering environmental and social implications, therefore encouraging responsible and ethical engineering practices

(2013- 14 Regulations)

S.No Course Code Course Name
1 T101 Mathematics – I
2 T102 Physics
3 T103 Chemistry
4 T104 Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
5 T105 Engineering Thermodynamics
6 T106 Computer Programming
7 P101 Computer Programming Lab
8 P102 Engineering Graphics
9 P103 Basic Electrical and Electronics Lab
10 T107 Mathematics – II
11 T108 Material Science
12 T109 Environmental Science
13 T110 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering
14 T111 Engineering Mechanics
15 T112 Communicative English
16 P104 Physics Laboratory
17 P105 Chemistry Laboratory
18 P106 Workshop Practice
19 P107 NSS/NCC*
20 MAT31 Mathematics – III
21 MET31 Mechanics of Solids
22 MET32 Mechanics of Fluids
23 MET33 Applied Thermodynamics
24 MET34 Manufacturing Processes
25 MET35 Electrical and Electronics Engineering
26 MEP31 Material Testing and Metallurgy Lab
27 MEP32 Manufacturing Processes Lab – I
28 MEP33 Electrical and Electronics Lab
30 MAT41 Mathematics – IV
31 MET41 Engineering Metallurgy
32 MET42 Fluid Machinery
33 MET43 Kinematics of Machinery
34 MET44 Machine Drawing
35 MET45 Machining Processes
36 MEP41 Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab
37 MEP42 Manufacturing Processes Lab – II
38 MEP43 Computer Aided Machine Drawing Lab
39 MEP44 Physical Education
40 MET51 Dynamics of Machinery
41 MET52 Design of Machine Elements
42 MET53 Metrology and Quality Control
43 MET54 Heat and Mass Transfer
44 MET55 Mechanical Measurements
45 MEE54 Industrial Casting Technology
46 MEP51 Manufacturing Process Lab – III
47 MEP52 Mechanical Measurement and Metrology Lab
48 MEP53 Computational Methods Lab
49 MEP54 General Proficiency – I
50 MET61 Operations Research
51 MET62 Design of Transmission Systems
52 MET63 Thermal Engineering
53 MET64 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
54 MET65 Control System Engineering
55 MEE61 Automobile Engineering
56 MEP61 Thermal Engineering Lab – I
57 MEP62 Dynamics of Machine Lab
58 MEP63 Computational Fluid Dynamics Lab
59 MEP64 General Proficiency – II
60 MET71 Computer Aided Design
61 MET72 Industrial Engineering and Management
62 MET73 Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Cryogenic Engineering
63 MEE74 Metal Forming Processes
64 MEP71 Thermal Engineering Lab – II
65 MEP72 Computer Aided Engineering Lab
66 MEP73 Comprehensive Viva – Voce
67 MEP74 Industrial Visit/Training Report
68 MEPW7 Project Work(Phase I)
69 MET81 Power Plant Engineering
70 MEE81 Advanced Welding Techniques
71 MEE810 Total Quality Management
72 MEPW8 Project Work (Phase II)**
73 MEP81 Seminar
1 Dr. S. GURULINGAM Principal/ Professor M.E., Ph.D
3 Dr. P. JAYASEELAN Associate Professor M.TECH.,Ph.D
4 Mr. S. ANBUSEZHIAN Assistant Professor M.E.,
5 Mr. V. VIJAYABABU Assistant Professor M.E.,
6 Mr. K. KIRUBAKARAN Assistant Professor M.TECH.
7 Mr. D. ANBUSELVAN Assistant Professor M.E.,
8 Mr. R. DINESH BABU Assistant Professor M.TECH.(Ph.D)
9 Mr. M. ARULAZHAGAN Assistant Professor M.TECH.
10 Mr. ESAKKI RAJAN. R Assistant Professor M.E.,
11 Mr.V. BASKARAN Assistant Professor M.Tech.,
12 Ms. D. SONA NAMITHA Assistant Professor M.TECH.
13 Mr.C. RAJASHRIRAM Assistant Professor M.E.,
14 Mr.V.VASANTHARAJ Assistant Professor M.TECH
15 Mr.J. VASANTHAKUMAR Assistant Professor M.TECH

The department has fully functioning labs covering 

  1. Basic Mechanical Workshop
  2. Manufacturing process lab I &II &III
  3. Fluid Machinery
  4. Design Of Machinery Lab
  5. Mechanical Measurement laboratory
  6. Dynamics of Machinery lab